Employment History Verification Service

When you apply for a job, your employer will probably conduct an employment history verification. The goal is to verify that the information on your resume or job application is accurate. Part of this process includes talking to any references you have included.


How Do Employers Check Employment History?

Taking the time to verify a job candidate’s employment history is a key aspect of the job hiring process. It is how the employer can guarantee that the candidate has the job experience needed for the position they are applying for. Resume padding and including inaccurate work history are common.

The verification process includes the employer or HR team contacting each workplace listed on the applicant’s resume. The goal is to verify that the applicant was employed there. During the employment validation, they will also be interested in learning how long the employee was employed and the job titles they held during their employment.

  1. Employers start by getting a resume or an application from the individual they are considering.

  2. Next, they will contact all the workplaces listed on the applicant’s resume. It is best to use phone numbers obtained from personal research as opposed to those obtained by the applicant.

  3. The employer should confirm that the candidate was actually employed on the dates they said. They will also confirm the job titles the applicant had.

  4. Some employers will ask that you use a third-party verification company to get the information you are looking for. Third-party verification could range from between $30 and $75 for each inquiry.

  5. Some employers will send the information you requested by fax. Even though it is 2021, they still use fax machines. Employers should not be surprised if they are requested to give signed authorization of the release form from the candidate.

The verification process can be long and time-consuming. This depends on how extensive the candidate’s work history was. Therefore, most employers partner with a knowledgeable company that has experience in performing background checks.

Confirm your candidate's resume is accurate.

For only $20, we'll confirm your candidate's employment history compared to their resume.


How Do Background Check Companies Verify Employment?

Background check companies take the information the employer was provided by the candidate and then perform a background check for past employers and verify their education. During the calls, the background check company will talk with someone in the HR department and verify important details about the candidate.

They will ask about the positions the candidate held, responsibilities they had, and their dates of employment. Depending on the parameters of the inquiry, employment verification services may also ask about why the employee left and if the company would rehire the individual if the situation arose.

Finally, a report is prepared based on the verification background check information provided. Reports will typically have a side-by-side comparison of the information provided by the candidate and what was learned directly from the employer. Discrepancies are easy to identify. Employers can use this information when deciding whether to hire someone.

What Does Employment Verification Show?

Employment verification looks for inconsistencies in the information provided by the applicant and their actual work history. As with other types of background checks, there are laws that limit the information that can be used during the hiring process. However, employment verification typically reveals:

  • If the applicant worked where they claimed to work.
  • The start and stop dates for employment at the company
  • Titles and responsibilities held and the applicant’s previous salary (In some states, using this information for a background check is illegal because it is felt that it encourages lower salaries for women and minority groups.)
  • The reason the applicant quit their old job (In some states, employment verification cannot show this information.)
  • If the applicant is eligible for rehire (Certain states prohibit employment verification checks to use this information.)