Remote Hiring: Using Screening Technology to Hire Safely

#background checks #new hire #hiring #employment verification process
by Kenneth Coats


Hiring in 2020 is one of the most demanding challenges many businesses face – With a few simple techniques, your team can assess candidate fit-even without completing in-person interviews. When you need to ramp up a new hire, it is crucial for hiring managers to be effective and efficient in their recruitment and screening process. They cannot manually review all resumes, schedule phone calls, and schedule subsequent interviews with their hiring team for every job applicant that comes through the funnel. You can speed up the initial vetting process using automated pre-screening tools tailored to your industry and job role.

  • Automated Scorecard: To create an interview scorecard, write down ratings along with five or so applicable criteria. During the candidate's resume submittal, have them self rate against the requirements, and provide demonstrated examples to support their rating. Applicants who pass scores can immediately advance to the next hiring steps, saving you precious time reviewing unqualified applicants.
  • Automated Background Investigative Process: Because in-person time is now limited during the pre-hire interview, it is essential to have a high-tech screening process to ensure a thoroughly vetted candidate.
    • Applicant-Friendly Process: To remove the data entry burden to conduct background checks, use a screening provider that uses an applicant email invite process. The applicant invite application will conveniently send a user-friendly form application to your candidate. The candidate can easily complete and submit the information right from their smartphone or tablet, including capturing their signature and consent for the background check. This process will also significantly reduce data entry errors and delays by having the applicant submit their information.
    • Compliant Form Handling: The ability to choose the best talent anywhere in the U.S. during a pandemic is a great thing; however, with that freedom comes state compliance responsibility. You want to use a technology screening provider to provide the right compliant forms to ensure your process is compliant and follow all local laws.
    • Automated Reference and Court Checks: Most people think a criminal check as the only essential screening needed. However, by omitting checks such as reference checks, you lack crucial information to understand how well your job candidate will perform in your company. Find a screening firm that will provide convenient insights into the screening process and just not a static report riddled with cryptic legal criminal court terms. For example, some background screening providers can adequately help you understand the background check, including spotting various "red flags" about a prospective employee's history. A quality firm will thoroughly check educational, employment, driving records, and other data sources to quickly provide a snapshot of a prospect's work performance history. Full screening data gives HR more context about a candidate's qualifications and allows them to make more informed hiring decisions.
The Takeaway

Whether your team is facing uncertain times, such as the ongoing pandemic, or facing good times, if you follow these steps to streamline your hiring and ensure your candidates are thoroughly screened to be qualified, you'll be set up for long-term success.

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